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Share Your Prayer Story
The Bible instructs us to "Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep..." (Romans 12:15). Because of this, it is our honor to pray with you as you seek the Lord for all your needs, no matter how big or how small. Likewise, we want to rejoice with you when God faithfully answers your prayers. Please share praise reports to encourage the faith of others.
Personal Prayer Guide
The Prayer Guide includes specific prayer models you can use to pray targeted and specific prayers, including The Lord's Prayer, the Tabernacle Prayer, the Prayer of Jabez, and many more.
Prayer Journal
The Prayer Journal is designed to help you discover specific areas of your life to cover in prayer during your personal prayer time, and includes space to take notes or journal your prayers each day.
Kids Prayer Guide
The Kids Prayer Guide was designed with your kids in mind! This guide helps kids establish effective patterns, places, and plans for prayer. The guide also provides prayer models at their level.
Next Gen Prayers
This prayer guide is designed to help you pray specifically over your children as well as the kids & youth of our community.
Prayer Playlist
1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to "Pray without ceasing." One way to cultivate a continual attitude of prayer is by listening to worship music. Whether in the car, in the office, or in your home, fill your space with music that draws your attention to God.
Fasting amplifies our time of prayer because it disconnects us from the world. Fasting isn't about punishing yourself because God wants you to suffer, rather it's about intentionally disconnecting from wordly things for a season so you can hear from God and experience the full life He has for you.
Why Fast?
The goal of fasting is to draw near to God. It hits the reset button of our soul and renews us from the inside out. Fasting enables us to celebrate the goodness and mercy of God. It prepares our hearts for all the good things God desires to bring into our lives.
When deciding on a fast, we encourage you to seek God in prayer and follow what the Holy Spirit leads you to do.
When deciding on a fast, we encourage you to seek God in prayer and follow what the Holy Spirit leads you to do.
Scripture References About Fasting
Types of Fasts
Your personal fast should present a level of challenge, but it is very important to know your body, your options, and most importantly, to seek God in prayer and follow what the Holy Spirit leads you to do.
In this type of fast, you drink only liquids, typically water with light juices as an option.
This type of fast involves removing certain elements from your diet. One example of a selective fast is the Daniel Fast, during which you remove meat, sweets, and bread from your diet and consume water and juice for fluids and fruits and vegetables for food.
This fast is sometimes called the “Jewish Fast” and involves abstaining from eating any type of food in the morning and afternoon. This can either correlate to specific times of the day, such as 6:00 am to 3:00 pm, or from sunup to sundown.
This fast is a great option if you do not have much experience fasting food, have health issues that prevent you from fasting food, or if you wish to refocus certain areas of your life that are out of balance. For example, you might choose to stop using social media or watching television for the duration of the fast and then carefully bring that element back into your life in healthy doses at the conclusion of the fast.
In this type of fast, you drink only liquids, typically water with light juices as an option.
This type of fast involves removing certain elements from your diet. One example of a selective fast is the Daniel Fast, during which you remove meat, sweets, and bread from your diet and consume water and juice for fluids and fruits and vegetables for food.
This fast is sometimes called the “Jewish Fast” and involves abstaining from eating any type of food in the morning and afternoon. This can either correlate to specific times of the day, such as 6:00 am to 3:00 pm, or from sunup to sundown.
This fast is a great option if you do not have much experience fasting food, have health issues that prevent you from fasting food, or if you wish to refocus certain areas of your life that are out of balance. For example, you might choose to stop using social media or watching television for the duration of the fast and then carefully bring that element back into your life in healthy doses at the conclusion of the fast.
Example Fasting Guide
Here is an example fasting calendar guide you may follow:
Day 1: Fast 1 meal today
Day 2: Fast food from 6a-6p
Day 3: Fast 1 meal today
Day 4: Fast 1 meal today
Day 5: Fast food from 6a-6p
Day 6: Fast 1 meal today
Day 7: Fast 1 meal today
Day 8: Fast 1 meal today
Day 9: Only water and juice
Day 10: Fast 1 meal today
Day 11: Fast 1 meal today
Day 12: Fast 1 meal today
Day 13: Fast 1 meal today
Day 14: Fast 1 meal today
Day 15: Fast food from 6a-6p
Day 16: Only water and juice
Day 17: Fast 1 meal today
Day 18: Fast 1 meal today
Day 19: Fast food from 6a-6p
Day 20: Fast 1 meal today
Day 21: Fast 1 meal today
Day 1: Fast 1 meal today
Day 2: Fast food from 6a-6p
Day 3: Fast 1 meal today
Day 4: Fast 1 meal today
Day 5: Fast food from 6a-6p
Day 6: Fast 1 meal today
Day 7: Fast 1 meal today
Day 8: Fast 1 meal today
Day 9: Only water and juice
Day 10: Fast 1 meal today
Day 11: Fast 1 meal today
Day 12: Fast 1 meal today
Day 13: Fast 1 meal today
Day 14: Fast 1 meal today
Day 15: Fast food from 6a-6p
Day 16: Only water and juice
Day 17: Fast 1 meal today
Day 18: Fast 1 meal today
Day 19: Fast food from 6a-6p
Day 20: Fast 1 meal today
Day 21: Fast 1 meal today