March 10

Trusting God in the Journey

Today's Reading

Old Testament
  • Numbers 19-21
New Testament
  • Colossians 4


In Numbers 19-21, we see a mixture of God’s provision, discipline, and faithfulness. God provides purification laws to cleanse His people (Numbers 19), but in Numbers 20, Moses strikes the rock in disobedience rather than speaking to it as God commanded, resulting in his inability to enter the Promised Land. The Israelites complain again about their journey, and God sends venomous snakes, but He also provides healing through the bronze serpent (Numbers 21), a foreshadowing of Christ’s work on the cross (John 3:14-15).  

Despite their failures, God remains faithful. He provides water, victory over their enemies, and a path forward. This reminds us that even in our struggles, God continues to lead and provide.  

Colossians 4 encourages us to stay devoted in prayer, act wisely toward others, and let our conversations be “full of grace, seasoned with salt” (Colossians 4:6). Paul also urges believers to stand firm and support one another in their faith. Just as the Israelites needed to trust God for guidance and provision in their wilderness journey, we are called to trust Him daily, remaining steadfast in prayer and walking in wisdom.  

God calls us to obedience, trust, and perseverance. Though we may face hardships and even consequences for our disobedience, He remains faithful. Just as He provided a way for the Israelites to be healed through the bronze serpent, He has provided salvation through Jesus Christ.  

Reflection Questions

  1. Are there areas in your life where you struggle to trust God's provision and direction?  
  2. How can you be more devoted to prayer, as Colossians 4 encourages?  
  3. In what ways can you let your conversations be full of grace and seasoned with wisdom?  


Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness, even when I fall short. Help me to trust You in every circumstance and to walk in obedience to Your Word. Keep my heart devoted to prayer, my words full of grace, and my steps aligned with Your will. Thank You for providing salvation through Jesus, my source of healing and life. In His name, Amen.

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